Reflective Account Essay

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Evidence gathering form |Evidence no | | |Evidence date | | Identify evidence type Direct observation Reflective account Questions Expert witness Product Witness testimony |Candidate name |Darren McKenzie | |Evidence |Unit, Element, PCs |Knowledge | |Mrs. J is a former doctor and sometimes gets very confused one night Mrs. J become very confused| | | |and upset as she thought the care home was her house and wasn’t too happy about all the other | | | |people being there. I approached Mrs. J to find out what was wrong with her but she was very | | | |confused and finding it hard to sting sentences together Mrs. normally communicates fine with | | | |staff but on this occasion didn’t seem herself. I asked Mrs. J to come in to the dining room so | | | |we could have some privacy I sat her down and I put my seat on front of her to face her so I | | | |could make eye contact and she could see I was listening when Mrs. J was talking I moved in | | | |closed so I could hear her I always let her finish what she was saying before I intervened I | | | |took hold of Mrs. J’s hand and was trying to explain to her that this was a care home and all | | | |the other
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