Book Overview: The Black Box By Julie Schumacher

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Book report 4/19/12 AOE “The Black Box” written by Julie Schumacher is a story about one girls struggle through depression. This novel is different from other stories because it is told through the perspective of her sister, Elena. Elena tells the story of her sister Dora’s depression and how it not only affected Dora’s life but the whole family’s life as well. This story takes place in Elena’s home where Dora one day announced that she wishes she was dead and overdosed on pills. Their overprotective mother immediately put Dora in the psych ward at Lorning Hospital. Lorning Hospital has a very strict…show more content…
Elena went to a lady who she called the Grandma therapist. Most of the time she didn’t tell her much because she knew she was the only one Dora could trust but the Grandma therapist can sense her sadness and explained to Elena that many people carry sadness with them but sometimes they need to be able to rest and put it down. After her appointment with her therapist, Elena came home to an empty house and Jimmy showed up at the door. He apologizes for the way he acted but asked to go upstairs in Dora’s room. After looking around a little bit he removed a clock from the wall and found a bag of small white pills. He explains to Elena that her sister has been saving up her pills and taking multiplies at one time. Elena confronts Dora about the pills to which Dora explains that they were for her cramps. Elena believed the story and told Dora if she ever felt bad enough to damage to herself she would promise to go to Elena. Dora promised. One week later. Dora was found on the side of the road with a bottle of glue and a bottle of pills. To find out if Dora made it or not and what will happen with Jimmy and Elena, read the

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