Recycling Should Be Made Mandatory

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Recycling Should Be Mandatory Non-biodegradable waste poses a great challenge to environment conservation efforts. This is simply because this kind of waste does not decompose naturally leaving profound effects on the environment. The lack of a proper disposal mechanism puts the world at a poor position in as far as environment conservation is concerned. This calls for government intervention through regulations to revamp the campaign for both the preservation and conservation of Mother Nature. Disposal techniques such as burning and using dumpsites only push the environment further down the drain (Logomasini, 1); since such waste disposal methods bring about environmental concerns as well. Governments have recycling directives in place but companies and individuals are still having the liberty to recycle the waste on their own, and this is where the government directives get overlooked. Disposing biodegradable waste is not as challenging as other waste that naturally decomposes leaving organic benefits to the environment. That being the case, therefore, it means that non-biodegradable waste poses a massive challenge to conservation efforts making it essential to come up with an effective and comprehensive recycling mechanism. This exploratory argumentative paper will delve deep into the case of why recycling the non0biodegradeable waste should be made mandatory by the government for all private individuals and corporate entities to comply with. The United States authorities tasked with environmental conservation have been working hard towards making sure that people understand the importance of recycling waste. These efforts, however, have not been successful as these government agencies are yet to be able to fully employ voluntary conservation approaches throughout the country. A good case in point is the city of Seattle where any individual who throws away

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