Queen Elizabeth Dbq

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For ages men and women have been on different playing fields. Men have predominately held higher positions of power in government as well as within the church. Early on women did not go against the given social structure. When Queen Elizabeth Ι took the throne in 1558 she faced many of these bias's, the thought of a women leading a nation was unheard of, causing many to question her abilities as a ruler. Unlike many women, Queen Elizabeth fought off these negative views by appealing to her subjects through compassion, but also by asserting her power and dominance over her kingdom. Many people throughout England did not support the idea of Queen Elizabeth taking the throne. They believed woman's place was not in ruling a country, or being head of the church because god reserved that right for men. John Knox, a Scottish reformer went on to say that it is against god a nature for a women to be head of a nation (Doc 1). The House of Lords also held this opinion, they felt that because Queen Elizabeth was a women that she should not hold office or the title of supreme head of the church of England. The House of Lords argued that Christ had not called a women to be a preacher, healer or apostle,so what gave Queen Elizabeth, a women, the right to be head of the church (Doc 2). It should be kept in mind that the House of Lords remained an all male assembly until 1958, so their bias against women ruling would be quite present. One man went on record saying that he did not fear for England, for the sole reason that Queen Elizabeth shared her power with Parliament (Doc 4), who happened to consist of all men. Queen Elizabeth realized her opponents position and used their argument against them. By utilizing the assumption that women were full of compassion, Elizabeth appealed to the people of England. Queen Elizabeth's personal chaplain wrote of how she would “without
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