Puritans 'Beliefs In Of Plymouth Plantation'

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Puritan Essay Everywhere that people step foot in this world, they will encounter diverse ideas, practices and beliefs that people incorporate into their daily lives. In many people’s eyes, the belief systems and practices of the Puritans’ were extreme at times and a little over the top. The Puritans often went to radical measures in order to profess the extreme faith in their practices. They believed that God was the reason behind everything that happened, whether good or bad, during their journey. Survival of people, along with their death, and the collection of the basic resources needed for survival, all lead back to the main source of willpower for the Puritans; God. In Of Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford demonstrates the Puritans strong beliefs in God, as the reasoning behind the occurrence of many events.…show more content…
However, the Puritans strong faith in God overpowered the fears they faced, and they continued on with their voyage. During a fierce storm one day, a man named John Howland fell overboard into the roaring ocean waters, but with the help of God he was brought back out into safety. “…But it please God that he caught hold of the topsail halyards which hung overboard, and ran out at length; yet he held his hold until he was hauled out by the same rope to the brim of the water…and his life saved.” (1) The Puritans believed that John was chosen to survive by God, and because of that he was rescued and brought back to safety to continue on the

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