Puritans And New England Colonies

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Throughout the period from 1630 to 1660s, the Puritans influenced and made big impacts on the New England Colonies. These ideas and values that the Puritans possessed with the church influenced the political, economic, and social development of the colonies. To start with, Puritans migrated to the colonies in search of religious tolerance and to escape the Church of England. The Puritans had a strong belief in unity. This effected political development in the New England Colonies. They believed that everyone needs to put the community before themselves. They thought no one man should have too much power (Doc A). This idea of no man having too much power influenced how the colonists’ felt about victories. After the colonists’ attack on the Pequot’s Mystic River village, they gave the credit to God and thanked him for beating the enemy (Doc D). The community helped each family if their crops failed, or if there was a field fire. Neighbors also helped others build barns or farm equipment. If the population was too large they would divide and make a new town. Towns were built around fields. Towns consisted of a congregation. In the town were family homes and public buildings (Doc B). Each day farmers would work in fields and then return in the evening. Everything was about commonwealth. A puritan, John Winthrop, became governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and said their society would be made of mercy and justice, as well as a commonwealth. In addition, the Puritan beliefs of unity and commonwealth go on to influence the economics of the New England Colonies. The Puritans were hard workers. They believed that only prosperity could be achieved through hard work. They believed that God had carried them to New England to build their houses and provide themselves with the necessaries for their livelihood (Doc E). The Puritans worked mostly on farms and traded their

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