Public Health Issues

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K311, TMA02 For your related public health issue: 1- Select three pieces of varied evidence relating to your chosen issue. Explain what they are, giving the rationale for your selection and commenting on their strengths and limitations. 2- Reflect on the process of data search, selection and appraisal, indicating your search methods and what you see as key issues or dilemmas that emerged in this process. The topic I choose was tackling substance misuse among teenagers. This is personal to me as I have 2 teenage boys and I was interested in finding out about this topic. The first piece of evidence I choose was qualitative, it collected lots of data and analyzed it using a semi structured technique its entitled: Beyond guidelines and guidance – psychosocial perspectives on treatment interventions for young people with substance problems in the united kingdom, it highlights the treatments and interventions that are available for helping young people to tackle substance misuse, to enable the young people to get the correct treatment, services and agencies need to be readily available and easily accessible, they need to provide comprehensive assessment by professionals that know what they are doing. Unfortunately young people may have underlying problems that’s causing them to misuse substances, and they may not be just misusing one substance, this can cause issues with services or agencies being able to provide and evaluate relevant treatments or interventions, “pharmacological management of dependent young people should be undertaken by specialist addiction psychiatrists and their teams, since treatment is largely based on clinical experience and expertise and most medications are not licensed for use under 18 years old.” (Drugs: education, prevention and policy, vol 13, no3, 2006). This evidence shows that substance misuse in young people can
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