Psychiatric Placement Analysis

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I suffer from PTSD, clinical depression, anxiety disorder and have a history of addiction to prescription medications. I have successfully completed rehabilitation, and I am working hard to stay on the right path and make good choices. I take my life much more seriously today than I did in the past. Unfortunately, due to an obvious series of poor choices on my part, I am currently uninsured. For someone in my circumstances, it is difficult to find good mental health care in the state of Alabama. The Alabama Department of Mental Health could make a number of improvements in their doctors, counselors, and appointment procedures. The psychiatrists on staff at the Alabama Department of Mental Health do not have the opportunity to truly get…show more content…
Psychiatric appointments are only offered once every six months. They are usually held certain hours of the day on a first come-first served basis. If the patient is unable to arrive at the earliest time, they can be forced to spend several hours waiting to see the doctor. Group therapy is also held only certain hours of the day, generally in mid to late afternoon. These group sessions are usually a requirement of medication therapy. No group, no medication. The appointment timing can make receiving proper care almost impossible for patients who are employed or attempting to get an education. While professors and employers are tolerant of an employee being an hour or two late or having to leave early for a doctor appointment, they are not usually so tolerant when it stretches to several hours or a whole day is…show more content…
I can not help but wonder if the lack of help causes people to fall deeper into depression. Most patients already feel alone and worthless. If there were more opportunities to receive quality care, then perhaps there would be fewer crimes, criminal activity, and suicide. I am really concerned about people and the way they feel and how they are treated. As human beings, we are all unique and special in our own way. I understand that the financial resources are limited, but maybe they could be utilized in a more helpful way. In my personal opinion, group therapy is quite often a waste of time and valuable resources that could be better used. A healthy state of mind is our most powerful weapon. It is what enables us to succeed, overcome adversity, and find the strength within. If a person has enough personal insight to know that they need help, their plea should be taken seriously. As fiduciaries of taxpayer dollars, the Alabama Department of Mental Health has an ethical obligation and a duty to make the very best use of those

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