Psy 428 Week 4

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Organizational Development PSY/428 September 3, 2012 The Process Organizational development is the theory and practice of a systematic change in attitude, beliefs, and values of the employees through creation and reinforcement of long-term training programs ( 2012). Transactional analysis, behavior modeling, and sensitivity training are included in the organizational development action plan of behavioral techniques. Identifying the problems and solving those problems within an organization begins the process of organizational development. The process consists of several stages which will determine if it is making satisfactory progress. Once the desired result is obtained, it will terminate the procedure. The different stages in the organizational development process include problem identification, situational assessment, action planning, implementing a plan, gathering data, determining the results and feedback. In order for organizations to take notice of the problems, testing the system is required to retrieve regardless if the organization is growing, declining, or needs improvement. Once the assessment determines the needs, the process includes…show more content…
Many theories are needed in understanding and implementing organizational developments to be a success. References Ganly, S. (2012). Theories of Organizational Development in Business. Retrieved from Rasing, M. (2012). Organizational Development Process. Retrieved from Field Guide to Consulting and Organizational Development. (2012). Retrieved from Britt, T.W., & Jex, S. M. (2008). Organizational Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach (2 ed.). New York, NY:
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