L-3 Communication's Employees

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Abstract Unions are legally recognized as representatives of workers in many industries in the United States. Today, the goal of unions centers on collective bargaining over wages, benefits, working conditions for their members, and representation of their members in disputes with management over violations of contract provisions. This paper will discuss the specific working conditions that have prompted the attention of L-3 Communication’s employees. It will assess the benefits of organizing a union, create a mission, purpose, and objective statement for a strategic plan to organize a union, outline the components needed to start a union and ideas for each step, determine a possible timeline for the execution of the union, and speculate…show more content…
After receiving the support, the components needed to start a union are know the legal rights, gather information, target and recruit leaders, organize a committee, build the union, have employees sign union cards, make the union official, and win a strong union contract (Dimick, 2010). The established union will supply a full-time organizer and materials to assist in organizing the union. Upon determining the goal and legal rights, the recruitment of allies is most important. Many workers, however, will be firmly against the idea, whether because of misconceptions about unions in general or reservations about confronting authority (Martinez & Fiorito, 2009). Considering these deviating opinions, I would have to alter the way I approach employees. I would select the leaders at the workplace to eventually become the Organizing Committee of the union. I would recruitment the employees during after-work drinks, before-work at breakfast, and at the later stages, and on-the-job solidarity actions. This process will be in secret until the employees are onboard and sign their union cards. I will ensure that the workers are fully informed of what is happening in the legal sphere of things and that the Organizing Committee is able to make decisions about which legal tactics are employed. After going public, I would continue to educate and inform the members of what is happening before the employer…show more content…
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