Pros And Cons Of Breastfeeding

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Eloisa Morales English 1301 March 22, 2011 Pros and Cons on Breastfeeding We have all heard “breast milk” is best, however as our society changes and as time constraints mothers go for convenience verses what is best. Within the past century more women have left the home and gone back to work, making breastfeeding less common. The need to reeducate and encourage women to breastfeed is imperative, but the choice is still ultimately the mothers. Breastfeeding has many pluses, the bond created between mother and baby is very special. Breastfeeding brings so many benefits such as it contains antibodies that decrease infant’s risk of infections, diarrhea, allergies, asthma, SIDS, diabetes and certain cancers. Helps brain to grow and develop. Easy to digest therefore it is almost impossible to become constipated also helps with child obesity. Moms can also reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer by breastfeeding. The Cons to breastfeeding is that it is very time consuming, the need to eat for newborns is typically every 2 to 3 hours during the day and at night. Moms are often fatigued due to the energy required to produce milk. Moms become anxious and are frustrated at the process of breastfeeding. Education should be a key goal. Moms should be informed of what is to happen after delivery of their child. Parents should attend a class where they can receive the literature should explain the stages of how milk is let down, and the amount of time it is going to take during each feeding to keep infant content. Dads can be very supportive, just by keeping them comfortable and calm. Just because you cannot physically see what the infant is taking makes it the biggest question “is my baby getting enough?” Diaper counting becomes a big part of the day. If you have wet and dirty diapers then, yes, your baby is getting
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