Proof & Doubt Play Comparisons

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Taylor Bell 11/12/12 English period 6 Proof&Doubt Questions 1.Is having complete certainty a strength or a weakness? Use Proof and Doubt to defend your position. Having complete certainty would be a strength in my opinion. Had people in doubt had certainty many issues could’ve been avoided, but then again the play would’ve been over pretty quickly. If Sister Aloysius had been certain about what was going on with Father Flynn, she could’ve reacted accordingly. 2. Is trust more important than proof? Use Proof and Doubt to defend your position. It depends on the situation. In Proof, trust probably would’ve been more important. The whole, little, argument between Claire, Hal and Catherine could’ve been over quickly if they’d just trusted Catherine when she said she wrote the equations book. In Doubt, proof would be more important because, like I said in question one, Sister Aloysius would’ve known about Father Flynn for sure and could’ve acted accordingly. 3. Who had more to prove, Catherine, or Father Flynn? Why? Father Flynn, because even though te situations were just as important, Father Flynn had his entire reputation to worry about. Sure, Catherine wouldn’t have gotten the credit she deserved, but it was obvious that way later on she didn’t care too much. Flynn on the other hand was accused of a pretty hefty crime, so he had more to prove. 4. Think about the things you believe in, your ideals, morals, choices, decisions, the way you life your life. Which idea controls more of your life - proof, or doubt? Why? Proof definitely because, sure, I doubt a lot of things, but I usually don’t act on it or let it control me. If I do have doubts I always try to push them aside and find proof, because sometimes having doubts causes more bad than it does good. Some people do some sketchy things when they doubt to much, Sister Aloysius being a prime
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