Prize Distribution In School

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Prize Distribution Function Prize distribution function is always the most important event in the school. This is the annual function which is celebrated with great pomp and show. Although many functions are held in every school during the academic session yet none is as important as the prize distribution function. This function inspires the students to show their talents. The students take interest in games and studies so that they can win prizes at the annual function. The parents of the students are also happy to see their children getting prize at this function, because it is on this historic day when the best students are honored and rewarded for their outstanding achievements. This year the prize distribution function was held on 25th may. The preparations for this function started nearly month before the function. The vice principal of our school was the incharge of the cultural program. He prepared many items like one act play a fancy dress show and some other items like songs dances etc. The director of education was invited to preside over the function. The school was beautifully white washed and decorated like a bride with buntings, pictures etc. A stage was erected where a table and some chairs were placed for the chief guest, our principal and other honorable guests. The function was to start at 9:00 a.m. At the venue of the function a huge shamiana had also been pitched to accommodate the students and the guests. Students and the guests arrived at exact 9:00 a.m. All the students and guests had taken their seats before his arrival. The chief guest was received at the gate of our school by the principal and other members of the staff. The scouts of our school presented him a guard of honour while the school band played music. After this the principal read out the annual progress report of our school. This report showed the many sided
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