Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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CT303/CU303 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings 1) Understand why communication is important in adult social care settings 1.1) Identify different reasons why people communicate. People communicate for many different reasons. Some of these include: expressing and sharing ideas and knowledge and expressing their feelings, needs, wishes and preferences. More reasons why people communicate are to obtain and receive information such as giving or receiving instructions and also to get to know each other 1.2) Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings Effective communication affects all aspects of working in adult social care settings and is important as it builds up team work and creates and easier environment to work in. It ensures that information is clear, concise, accurate and informative. This reduces the possibility of mistakes being made and delivers a better understanding of situations. It reduces confusion, inefficiency and conflict and increases the trust and respect between one another. If there is inadequate communication then that is where you can face problems. 1.3) Explain why it is important to observe and individual’s reactions when communicating with them It is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communication with them as it helps give a better understanding of what they are trying to express in the situation, their reaction may show positive or negative reactions to what is being said or done that helps to identify their needs or to identify any changes in their needs. It is also important to enable effective communication. People may communicate through different ways including verbal, non-verbal, handshakes, positioning, smiles, eye contact, gesturing etc. It is important to observe these reactions and to recognise what is being communicated to
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