Preventability of the American Revolution

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The American Revolution’s Preventability When looking back at history, every possible scenario that could have happened is often considered. In the case of the American Revolution, the examination of numerous events that led to the Revolution poses the question: was the American Revolution preventable? Although there were many events leading to the Revolution that were preventable, the progression of these causes ultimately created an unbreakably strong urge amongst Americans for independence, and thus the Revolution began. With first Britain’s abuse of American civil liberties, then patriot propaganda, and finally the Olive Branch petition, it is clear that the American Revolution was unpreventable and, at the time, viewed as completely necessary. Because of the large debt left by the French and Indian War and the subsequent Seven Years War, Britain pushed a series of unwelcomed taxes and acts upon the American colonists that stripped them of their civil liberties. Such acts included the Sugar Act and Townshend Act, which taxed common household goods such as sugar, glass, paper, silk, and lead. In response to the British East India Company’s looming bankruptcy, British parliament passed the Tea Act, which allowed the company to bypass colonial merchants. The Quartering Act forced colonists to house British soldiers, and was seen as a reassertion of British authority over the colonies. The Stamp Act, which placed a tax on all printed items, angered colonists the most because it was passed with a blatant intention of raising revenue. These acts all served to antagonize the colonists. Soon, protests formed with one complaint in mind: taxation without representation was unjust and unreasonable. With Britain’s continual taxation on American colonies, the desire for independence was beginning to surface in American society. As displeasure began to rise
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