Power of Love - Sample

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Year Of Wonders demonstrates the power of love. Discuss In the novel ‘Year of Wonders’, the Author, Geraldine Brooks shows that the Power of love can affect the emotional state of people in many ways. She shows many examples of this during the novel whether it is about death, marriage or emotional state. An example of how love can affect the emotional of state of people is when Anna Loses her two sons. Jamie and Tom. When Anna lost both her sons she was distraught. She wasn’t sure what to do or how to act. With Anna being like this she turns to drugs ‘poppies’ to give her some pain relief and escape from the mourning. Anna quotes "I thought that she could teach me much about how to manage alone as a woman in the world." Anna here is talking about Anys and she hopes that she could learn her ways of her life for her own benefit. Before Tom dies Aphra tells Anna, ‘why do you let yourself love and infant so? I warned you, did I not, to school your heart against this?’ Aphra tells anna this to make a point that she told her so, that not to get too close to her children before they grow up because of the circumstances and how Aphra had lost all her children. This shows how the power of love can affect people, even tho Aphra wasn’t a big fan of Anna she still made a point out with some sense of caring. Another example of the destructive power of love is when Anna sleeps with Michael and then fleas Eyam. This is destructive because of how it made Anna feel like she had to leave Eyam aswell as Michael left in two minds. With Michael being in Grief of loosing his wife Elinor, Anna comforts Michael to try and get his mind of things. “Many people …..went so far as to whisper blame upon him for their great losses.” This made Michael feel worse about himself. With Anna cheering him up, one thing led to another and Michael and Anna slept with eachother, mutual feeling were
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