Portraying the Works of Chekhov, Faulkner, and Hemmingway

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Anton Chekhov, William Faulkner, and Ernest Hemmingway, each has very different writing styles, yet all three are recognized as influential short story writers. Their distinct styles of writing are represented in the next three short stories. “Chekhov” A shadow was cast across the daughter’s face. She sat side by side with her mother. Neither moved for the longest time. They were waiting for her father to return, though both knew they were waiting in vein. He had not yet returned from the war. They feared he never would. Day to day the waiting brought grief and sorrow to the daughter and her mother. They longed for him to return. “Mother, when will the war be over?” “It is hard to say. Hopefully soon.” The daughter began to weep. The sadness and pain of waiting for weeks had overcome her. She looked down at the floor. Covering her eyes she began to shake her head. She sat down and laid her head against the table when a shrill voice came through the window. “They’re back!” Hope spread across the mothers face. They rushed outside where everyone was gathering. Families were sharing tearful reunions. Looking at the happiness of those reunited, she longed for that feeling. After searching for hours, the streets began to clear out. They waited longer hoping to find him. When night fell they gave up. Their worst dream had come true. In this scene I used Anton Chekhov’s form of writing. The shorter choppy sentences were difficult to use because they are different from my own writing style. Each description used nouns and were not overly done. Chekhov makes everything short and to the point. I tried to mirror this style in my own story. I also tried to convey the sense of unfairness that often appears in Chekhov’s writing. He wanted people to see the bad and dreary things in life as they happen. His style of writing was difficult to use but after I got the

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