Pompeii Essay

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Archaeological Discovery - Pompeii The ancient Roman city of Pompeii was rediscovered and first excavated by Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre, a Spanish military engineer, in 1748 (“Pompeii”). Over the next century it would continue to be excavated and many artifacts would be discovered (Nappo). Public baths found in the city of Pompeii helped unveil the activities citizens would participate in. The intricate water supply of Pompeii serves as a prime example of a high quality of life for the time period. Quite possibly the most intriguing discovery made in Pompeii was that of a brothel with many frescoes and murals depicting sexual acts present (“Ancient Pompeii”). The significance of Pompeii lies in its preservation caused by a volcanic eruption in 79 CE (Nappo). The eruption of Mount Vesuvius left Pompeii under many feet of pumice and volcanic ash (“Pompeii”). Although this disaster wiped out the entire population, it left Pompeii in a near identical state to that which it had been in prior to the eruption. This enables archaeologists to get an accurate glimpse of Roman life during the first century. Archaeologists continue to be fascinated by Pompeii and have been able to develop many insights of Roman civilization at the time. The Stabian baths and the Forum baths made up the two main public baths in Pompeii (“Pompeii's Baths”). Another public bath known as the Central Baths was under construction at the time of the eruption (“Central Baths”). The most significant of all the baths are the Forum baths, as they are the most intact (“Forum Baths”). The Forum baths were divided into men’s and women’s section and within these sections were different areas that served different purposes (“Forum Baths”). The apodyterium served as both the entrance to other areas of the bath as well as a changing room (“Forum Baths”). From the apodyterium, bathers could access the

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