Po Fit And Pj Fit

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Analysis In determining the relative importance of PO fit and PJ fit when selecting candidates, the job context must be known very well. It should be considered whether the job is based on permanent or fixed contract, whether the jobs are changing ,whether it is managerial or knowledge-intensive, whether the skills required can be easily transferred (Sekiguchi, 2007), and whether the organization has a strong culture. Sekiguchi, Huber (2011)’s research reveal that PJ fit is weighed more heavily if the job is based on fixed-term contract. They stated that as the individual is working fixed-term, immediate outstanding performance should be shown and thus they have to equip with appropriate KSAs once they are hired. However, Sekiguchi and Huber (2011) stated that evaluation based on PJ fit will be less importantly weighted in permanent contract-based job, i.e. in the long term. This is because as business environment changes, PJ fit at the time of hiring will not promise excellent long-term outcome. However, it is argued that if an individual understand accurately of the job requirements, he can better adjust to the job (Wanous, 1977). This may be due to self-motivation because he understands well the job and he will find ways to adjust to changing environment. This is important as most of the jobs in working environment are changing. In other words, we can observe that individuals with PJ fit have a close, continuous linkage between his knowledge and skills, and his working attitudes. As Wanous (1977) and Edwards (1991) pointed out, low job stress, satisfaction and motivation are outcomes of a good PJ match, and these attitudes can result in the employees’ willingness to adjust for changing environment, for example, concerning about the details and solutions of new issues, willing to learn new skills. These can allow the individuals to equip with knowledge and

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