Playground Safety Essay

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PLAYGROUND SAFETY When I observed the playground at William ford elementary school, I saw many children playing different games or activities. Children where having a lot of fun in the play area and I saw how physical activity could show on their faces. They drank a lot of water when they finished recess and went inside to the building. Most often I saw children playing individually or next to one another without much interaction. There are some children playing in pairs, three some, or groups. Children who were playing together are also having social iterations, teaching each other games and making decisions. There were many types of equipment on the playground, and children were trying to make decision on which one to play. Teachers and supervisors where observing children. Some of them were standing while others were sitting on benches and watching children play. Kids need to get outside and run around so they can get the physical activity needed to be healthy. Playground is designed for children to interact with each other and to improve their health and fitness level. Playing during recess keeps children healthy and active. However, some children don’t get enough exercise because they watch a lot of TV and it’s hard for full time employed parents to focus on their children’s physical activities. Therefore, their children can end up very unhealthy and obese. Obese means being overweight due to the lack of exercise. Children experience may activities during recess. For example, there was a group of children playing hide and seek; others were taking turns on the slide. In addition, most of the girls were swimming and chatting with each other. However, a lot of boys are putting all their energy to finish the monkey bars. There were
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