Ph Buffer Lab

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Joel Barlow High School Honors Biology Michael Klein Wassink 11-5-2014 Lab: pH, Buffers & Biological Substances Problem How do organisms survive and function despite metabolic activities that tend to shift pH toward either acidic or basic ends of the scale. Hypothesis I predict that as I add varying amounts of 0.1m HCl and 0.1m NaOH to various biological substances the pH levels of those biological substances will go down with the addition of HCl and up with the addition of NaOH because Acids (HCl) release H+ into substances which makes their pH levels go down, and Bases (NaOH) accept H+ from substances which makes their pH levels go up. Materials • 4 goggles • 4 aprons • 50ml beaker • 1-100ml-grad cylinder • 3-colored pencils • Wide range pH paper • Tap water • Forceps • HCl (0.1M) • NaOH (0.1M) • pH 7 buffer solution • Milk • Potato homogenate • Egg white • Gelatin suspension Procedure 1. Pour 25ml of tap water into the 50ml beaker. 2. Record initial pH using the pH paper. Use forceps to dip the small strip into the water and compare the color change to the standard color chart. 3. Add 0.1M HCl one drop at a time. Use the stirring stick and stir each time a drop has been added. Determine the pH after 5 drops have been added. Repeat the procedure until 30 drops have been added. 4. Record the pH measurements in your table. 5. Rinse the beaker thoroughly, and pour into it another 25ml of tap water, and add 0.1M NaOH drop by drop, recording the pH changes in exactly the same way as for the 0.1M HCl. 6. Using the biological materials assigned by your teacher, repeat steps 2-5. 7. Test using the buffer solution (a non-living chemical solution) using the same steps outlined in steps 2-5. 8. Clean up and wash hands. Conclusion To

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