Ph/316 Week 1 Essay

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PHI 445 Week 1 Journal Entry Ethics are an organized analysis of values, relating to human conduct with respect to their rightness and wrongness (Introduction to Business Ethics, Ch. 1, P. 11). There are a few different ethical theories that companies abide by and make decisions with. Theories of ethics can be a problem though, if the employees do not have the same ethical beliefs it could end with people losing their jobs. Ethics are very important in business to assure the employees are being treated fairly. The theories that drew my attention the most are, the divine command theory, the virtue theory, and the social contract theory. The divine command theory is based off religious beliefs and moral values. In the divine command theory the beliefs of the theory are moral standards are created by God’s will, God in essence creates them from nothing, not even basing…show more content…
Infractions are disciplinary actions corporations write up for employees who are possibly late, calling in, or is not performing to their best. With these infractions the employee is asked to sign it and is explained to why they are being wrote up and given consequences if he or she violates again. A suspension is the next step, some corporations suspend people off from work without pay to give them time to think about how important their job really is. Termination is usually the last result of the chain of consequences of actions. When terminated you are asked to leave the company. I believe that corporations should operate by codes of morality based off what they live by, however there are some things that cannot be followed because not everyone lives by the same codes. Morals and values are important within society and the work field. I know when I am working I set all my home life aside but do remember my morals and values on how to carry myself at work to keep my boss and customers
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