Peter The Great Success Or Failure Essay

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Peter the great success or failure Source one says that Peters countrymen were ‘Bled dry by taxes and more taxes’ this shows that he was a very greedy king as increasing taxes means that he gets more money for himself , he also introduced taxes on the things that he didn’t like such as beards.He did this to try and put people of growing beards as he thought that they were old fashioned.Peter also made sure that it was the peasants who fought for him , people who had little land and almost no status.These people were sent to work in the army for a term of twenty five years.Furthermore , you can tell the extent peters obsession with taxes went to because he had a regular committee which met to think up more taxes. Source two expresses how violent Peter could be as it states that he had “fits of violent temper in which he resorted to kicks and blows”.This shows that Peter was a very angry man ,…show more content…
Source eight describes how exactly Peter went about building his new capital which was St Petersburg.The conditions of working were terrible.The brutally hard working conditions along with scurvy ,dysentry and malaria killed around 25000 people and so this was a big failure of Peter as this was all for his own selfish needs. To sum up i do not think that Peter deserves the title of Peter the Great because of all these failures listed above :He taxed heavily , was very violent ,has been described as barbaric,failed in many war like actions ,didn’t solely change Russia it was down to other people he just took glory ,he destroyed relationships between Church and state and lastly he killed many workers just to make a new capital
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