Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals

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English Composition Assignment 5: Persuasive Paper Part 3: Possible Disadvantages, Answers, with Visuals DUI Laws for a Safer State and Country Professor Maria Merrills Christopher Casselman 08/30/2012 DUI Laws for a Safer State and Country The amount of deaths in this state and country caused by DUI repeat offenders increase on a yearly basis. Innocent people are put at risk daily because the laws governing DUI charges do not do enough to deter offenders from repeating the crime. Therefore, there is a great need for change in DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws in not only North Carolina, but also the country. The laws themselves are not necessarily the issue; it is the penalties for breaking them. The penalties for drunk driving need to be a lot harsher than they are currently. DUI offenders should suffer the third tier penalties for the first offense, regardless of the social status (Rich 2012). Most of these people are only charged with level one, on a scale of one to five, but many never see the minimum twenty-four hour jail time. There are many times I see firsthand drunk drivers get no bond and a custody release. This means that any sober legally licensed driver over the age of eighteen can sign the offenders out. This has to stop; at what point and cost will the laws be changed. It is the proposal of the citizens of Brunswick County, and the surrounding counties to make the penalties for DUI harder, and compile ways to decrease occurrences. It is the hopes of these citizens to reduce the number of occurrences of these charges, and that is why this has been brought before the local legislation. Current law dictates first offense minimum of 24 hours (level 5 offenders) in jail, fines, and penalties up to $200 (level 5 offenders), license suspension 60 days to 1 year, and the ignition lock is not required. (Stim 2012) Second offense minimum of

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