Persuasive Paper on Ipads

465 Words2 Pages
Candy, drinks, key chains, t-shirts. Everyday, consumers put colossal amounts of money towards the purchase of everyday items, which supplement their lives in no way. Imagine all of the money lost in this endeavor, but put towards items that enhance one’s overall life. In this situation lies so much possibility, and part of this possibility could easily be but towards an Ipad for a hardworking, deserving high school student. I would like to propose that I receive an Ipad, based on improvements seen in the schoolwork of other high school students with one, and on the differences it makes in ones lifestyle. First of all, there is a reason that schools all across the nation are equipping high school students with ipads. Thousands of study materials and aids are available through the device, with little to no hassle. All one has to do in order to purchase a textbook is to download it to the ipad, and often the virtual transaction is cheaper than the purchase of a tangible textbook. Informative videos and study aids are also available at the touch of a finger for students who struggle in certain subject. Overall, students participating in these forms of study outperform students using only conventional textbooks. Additionally, ipads cut down greatly on time wasted within the classroom. Instead of transcribing every miniscule note the teacher makes onto paper, students can have the option to take pictures of important charts and documents, or to even video a lecture for later reference. The opportunities are endless within the classroom with the addition of an ipad, and I would love to reap the benefit. Additionally, having an ipad would greatly increase the quality of my own life. In my particular situation, I am constantly on the road, traveling my long hour to and from school. While occasionally there is work that can be done without the aid of a laptop or
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