Persuasive Essay Outline

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Reta Vaw Quinn/Engl155 Due: 06/25/12 Persuasive Essay Why do most children under the age of eight years age get type one diabetes? They can get it by having a bad cold virus and it can destroy something in the liver. You will have type one diabetes for the rest of your life. Plus type 1 diabetes can be hereditary in the family. Type 1 diabetes in young children is devastating for young parents to go through when they have to give their children insulin shots intramuscular shots everyday. In recent, “Studies examining knowledge and metabolic control in a diabetes have been mixed in their results.” More than 180 million people worldwide have diabetes and it is likely to double by 2030. Young parents either have diabetes or their…show more content…
For parents, transition brought changes in the parent-child relationship, which was often influenced by the way their child chose to self-manage their diabetes.” A 13 year old boy said: I know that I can not have all that many sweets, and I have to watch out for my carbs, and give insulin, so I do not go skyrocketing.”(Roper et al) When asked what they would like to know about diabetes, many responses dealt with understanding more about pumps and other technology used to manage diabetes. Also when asked what they knew about diabetes, many children discussed the workings of the body and what happens to the body when a person has diabetes. For example, a fifteen year old boy said: I know how the cells accept sugar, how the stomach breaks down the sugar to accept different forms of cells, I know how the insulin works. Some children indicated that they knew something about how they developed diabetes. A lot of the children have to watch everything they eat because you never know what can hurt them, so they can make sure they are eating healthy when you give them their freedom to eat what they want. As long as they make sure how many calories it has in each food or each

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