Personality and Team Effectiveness

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Individual assignment: Personality and Team Effectiveness Today, every type and size of organization is committing substantial resources to team-based initiatives. Their purpose is similar: to improve the organization (Bauer & Bauer, 2005). However, while working in a team, different personalities have to be dealt with. But how do personalities of team members affect team performance? In this report, the relationship between team member personalities and team effectiveness will be examined. By using the Big Five Locator (OCEAN), I will assess my personality profile. Subsequently, I will apply this profile to a team and investigate how my personality affects this team. This Big Five Locator represents a classification system (taxonomy) of traits that are suggested to capture the essential personality dimensions. The five factors are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. These factors are used to describe human personality. It is also a basis of many psychological studies in selecting personnel and choosing a study (Neubert, 2004). Finally, the outcomes of my research, combined with the current literature in the field, will show what contributions I can bring to a team. The first trait concerns negative emotionality, or neuroticism. In a team, people like to work with someone who is responsive and emotionally stable. The traits relating to neuroticism run from reactive (anxious, depressed, self-conscious) to resilient (calm, contented, self-assured) (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2011). With a score of 15 on negative emotionality, my personality is in the middle of this spectrum. According to Buchanan and Huczynski, I am a ‘responsive’. ‘Responsives’ are able to use levels of emotionality appropriate to the circumstances, which is thus positively related to team effectiveness. Since communication and goal setting/achievement

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