Personal Internet Security Assessment

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Internet Security Personal Internet Security Assessment 1. A. When creating the passwords for my computer, I used one that is known to only two people, myself and a trusted person. This was done if I am ill and unable to pay bills when they arrive. Most of the web sites that I frequent require stronger passwords at least eight characters as stated in the article “Online safety tips” with at least 1 uppercase, one lowercase, and one character in them. Some of the sites also will not accept words or close proximity of a word, making it harder for hackers. B. the security on my computer scans e-mails before I open them this was set up when I upgraded security on the computer I use the most. The other computers in the house have the same security suite on them; they are set to update automatically from the security site. C. Not being one to use instant messaging, I feel that this does not pertain to me, although it does mention personal information which I generally do not share online. Most of the people that I know online know my personal information such as name, address, phone number, if they do not have this information they may not be close friends or family. D. Shopping online is also another item I do not do. I am not comfortable giving out personal information online. I did learn that the “http:” and “Locked padlock symbol” are signs of a secure site for this kind of information, still not sure that I trust them. E. phishing scams are well explained in this article. Now I know what they are and how they get people on their scams. I have clicked the link in several e-mails, I guess I am lucky that I haven’t been phished. Most of the e-mails that I follow links on are from credit card or bank, which have not only user name and password, they also have a security picture which I believe helps in knowing that I am on the correct site. F. I agree
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