Permissive Society Essay

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A permissive society is where social norms are becoming increasingly liberal. For some it marked an end of the era of Victorian values and the beginning of the permissive society. It was a time of freedom, a decade of social unrest, innocence lost, scandal, war, sex, drugs and rock and roll. For many people, nostalgia begins with the 1960s. Source R conveys a view that ‘things that were hidden 50 years ago have come out into the open’. This shows that if permissive attitudes such a sex were spoken about and were open to the public eye, surely this would encouraged to be part of this society. However, this source contradicts itself as it states ‘much sex 50 years ago as there is today’ well if there is an increase in the media portraying these images constantly. An example of this is the prosecution trial of Penguin Books on the grounds of obscenity because of its publication of a long-banned DH Lawrence novel. Lady Chatterley's Lover was the story of an upper-class woman and her affair with her gamekeeper, a story that some considered transgressed a number of social and sexual taboos. It was an absurd trial, and the jury found Penguin not guilty, and the whole ordeal made censorship seem out of place in a free society. Clearly, if Penguin books were not found guilty surely these views were not alien but instead they were accepted. Moreover, the source also mentions ‘it’s no better or worse than it has ever been’ surely society was changing as the Obscene publications act as the government saw these new attitudes as a threat. One of the objections of the act was the frequent use of the word ‘fuck’ and ‘cunt’ and derogatory language The reason for the Penguin books not being charged may be because films such as ‘Darling’, which was released in 1965, contained controversial topics such as sex, drugs and abortion. The film was very successful and popular- showing that
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