Perceptions Of Belonging

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Explore how perceptions of belonging and not belonging can be influenced by connections to places. In your response, refer to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of your own choosing. (15 Marks) Perceptions of belonging and not belonging can be influenced by connections to places. A concept that is tied into this idea is that belonging or not belonging to place provides opportunity to belong or not to belong to self, relationships and society. Two texts that demonstrate this concept are Romulus, My Father, memoir by Raimond Gaita, and Edward Scissorhands, a fictional film by director Tim Burton. Each composer explores how belonging, or lack of, is achieved through connections to place, and the varied perceptions that are presented in their texts convey that belonging to place is a fundamental need for humanity as it creates and strengthens character. In Romulus, My Father, belonging is particularly clear through the sense of place. The places represented in the memoir are both domestic, private place, such as the homes lived in by Raimond and his father at different points in their…show more content…
After Mitu’s suicide and Romulus’ second serious motorbike accident, this was the place where Romulus went to heal physically and psychologically. He stopped spending time at Frogmore and instead worked long days and weekends in Tom Lillie’s workshop. Gaita writes; “ his work brought my father again to spiritual equilibrium... he was happiest in his workshop.” He repaired things and made ironwork, shoes, clothes and other objects. He established a reputation in Baringhup and, from the workshop, his ‘good name’ developed. The workshop was a place where his belonging to a bigger society began, further reinforcing Romulus’ belonging to is work and the blacksmith

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