Hsc Family Essay

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Paper 1 Area of Study Section I Question 1 Sample responses Text one – Image (a) Describe how the image depicts the idea of belonging or not belonging to a family. 2 Families offer a sense of belonging but can also be limiting. This is suggested by the image Family Sculpture by John Searles. The similarity in the head shapes which incline inwardly towards each other suggests a strong bond but the organic shapes and different colours of the bodies which seem to float away from the centre suggest a struggle against the constraints of belonging. The image therefore illustrates the paradox of belonging which gives a sense of unity but can also be restrictive. Consider: |What are the visual techniques in the |How does each visual technique illustrate|How does each visual technique illustrate| |text? |belonging? |not belonging? | | | | | | | | | | | | | Text two – Nonfiction extract (b) ‘… I was more aware of our difference.’ Explain the speaker’s relationship with his brother. 2 Here are three possible responses to this question: Alternative response 1 From the first line of the extract the metaphor of standing outside a door makes the reader conscious of the speaker’s sense of exclusion from his brother. He develops this sense of difference with reference to each person’s physical appearance, their relationships and their speech patterns. The difference he felt was clear in
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