Theme Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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The Odyssey reveals the values and ideals of Ancient Greece. Loyalty is perhaps one of the most important values. The definition of loyalty is the feeling of being devoted to something or somebody. Most people think loyalty is a characteristic people need to have. In Ancient Greece loyalty is a prized attribute. Loyalty is shown in The Odyssey between Odysseus and his wife, Odysseus and his dog. Also not being loyal is also shown in the Odyssey between Odysseus and his maids. Being loyal is also like being devoted, faithful, reliable, and trusted. When loyalty is portrayed in the Odyssey it is steadfast allegiance. It’s a bond you share. Today loyalty can lose its meaning but not in Ancient Greece. Loyalty is a value that is highlighted throughout the epic poem. When loyalty is not carried out when it is expected you are not respected by the Ancient Greek…show more content…
While dressed as a beggar Odysseus finds his supposedly loyal maids with the suitors. The maids have left Penelope all by herself. Later the disloyal maid’s fate will be to clean up the dead suitor bodies and later to be hung. These maids have broken an allegiance to Odysseus and his family. The maids have done exactly the opposite of loyalty. During the Odyssey loyalty is a theme that is always notice done or not done. On the other hand before this event Argos demonstrated loyalty. Odysseus dog is Argos. This dog has high expectations until Odysseus left for the Trojan War. Argos health declined because he is not taken care of in the absence of Odysseus. When Odysseus comes home dressed as a beggar he noticed Argos lying in a pile of dung. Then Odysseus then asks why no one has taken care of this beautiful animal. Argos now at least twenty finds the strength to look for Odysseus. Argos finds his master. Later on Argos then dies feeling content. The loyalty of Argos shows when every day he waits for his master. Putting up with little food and love. Finally

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