Past Struggles

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Past Struggles Paved the Way for Women Today American History Since 1865 Gretchen Henderson January 22, 201 Since biblical times, women have been subjugated to allowing others to make decisions for them. There has been a series of assumptions and usurpations of power over women. This is because women were falsely deemed as the weaker gender and referred to as the “weaker sex” and not being able to make life’s decisions on their own. However this thought of reasoning limited the power of women. Therefore in the end of the 19 century things were about to change and women begin to fight for more rights. Women have had to courageously fight for the rights to seek employment outside of the home, the right to vote, and the right to…show more content…
This book was written by Betty Friedan. Friedan was a married journalist that was raising three children. However she was not content with her life. She felt unfulfilled. So in 1947 she contacted some of her college acquaintances and asked them questions about their lives and she found out that they too were not content with their lives. (Hennessee, 1999) This is when Friedan wrote “The Feminine Mystique”. This book focused on the suburban housewife and how they expected more out of life. This was an issue with a lot of housewives during the 20th century. Friedan called it “the problem that has no name”.(Bowles,2010) In this book Friedan relates to these women and informs them that they are not alone. She let the women know that they could have more out of life then just during house whole chores and taking care of the family. She encourages them to look beyond of just being a housewife and to pursue a meaningful life. Three years after writing the book in 1966, Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW). (Hennessee, 1999) This was the first major organization since the 1920’s women rights movement. (Hennessee, 1999) Under Friedan leadership the NOW organization worked to gain political reforms to obtain legal equality for women. It was also successful in a number of benefits that catered to women. It aided in the implementation of the Title VII of the…show more content…
The mistakes and struggles in the past had to have happen for they want be repeated in the future. Just as the right to vote. The right to vote is essential to every American. If it wasn’t for the Women’s Right Movement women still would not be able to vote today. Voting is a sacred right that has been guaranteed to all citizens of America. It is important that women were granted the right to vote for they too can have a say in the matters of society. If it wasn’t for the right to vote women would still be powerless in society. They would not have their own voices. The movement for more rights for women had to begin somewhere for there could be a change in the future. Women are now able to explore more options for them. Women were not confined to become only teachers or nurses anymore. We can become whatever it is that we inspire to become. Women today are grateful for the women of the past. The women of the past paved to way for the future of women. Today the American women have the same rights as men and they are no longer treated as the weaker sex. This is because women of the past courageously fought for the rights to seek employment outside of the home, the right to vote, and the right to have entitlement to property
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