Parental Involvement

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a) What legislation has mandated parent involvement and supported family empowerment in schools? Legislation has mandated parent involvement as a part of the Handicap Children’s Protection Act, the Education for All Handicap Children Act (EACHA), Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. These laws guarantee that families have the right to due process, prior notice and consent, access to records and participation in decision making. It also allows for collection of attorney fees if parents should ever win due process hearings or court suits. The Early Intervention Amendment passed in 1986 allowed for children from birth to age five to be serviced under the Individualized Family Service…show more content…
A strong home/school relationships support student development and learning. The effects of family involvement demonstrate that parental involvement enhances the amount of success a child can experience in school. Areas of improvement can be seen in terms of both academic and social behaviors. Higher attendance rates and lower suspension rates are also indicators of family involvement in a student’s academic life. Collaboration with families also adds to mutual problem solving and shared decision making. Teachers, schools and districts can earn family support through effective collaboration. Students benefit from parental involvement by showing strong feelings of self-worth and self-satisfaction. Parents are able to learn skills which assist in improving their child’s academic growth. For example, they can learn behavior management techniques and communication strategies. Involvement by parents also allows for a more effective parent/teacher communication. Input can be given as to what the child’s interests are, which better assists teachers in supporting and teaching these…show more content…
Each cultural has different views on what is considered “normal” which effects parental/familial involvement in a child’s education. When teachers become more culturally sensitive and show an interest in their student’s varying cultures, they are also showing the importance that every student’s culture has to offer. This also allows for teachers to learn and connect with students and their families that are culturally and linguistically diverse. This can also be known as cultural competence. Teachers show respect for the student’s and family’s culture by learning how to best communicate with families in regards to student/familial involvement in the student’s

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