P4 Unit 6 Business

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Overstating projections A problem that can arise from starting the budget is when the person who created the budget gets an idea that the business will sell more items than the business is realistically able to do. If this happens the business will spend a lot of money on items that the budget believe the business will sell but in reality the business will not be able to sell this stock. IF the business is in the food industry and this problem happens it will end up going to waste as food goes off. This will result in the business losing a lot of money which they could spend elsewhere and if the business doesn’t have much money this money could have been used to pay off their expenses. If the business does lose this money they might…show more content…
This is because the business doesn’t really know what is going to happen in the future. By having an amount of money that the business is able to use for anything it gives the company more support for the year ahead. But if this amount is only a small amount in comparison to the business it could lead to problems. This is because if a the company needs to fix the building the business will have to pay out the price. But if the amount left aside isn’t as much as the price of the building the business will have to use money from elsewhere. This will mean that another expense will not be paid. If the expense is not paid it will mean that the business will be in debt and the business will have to find a way to find more money or run the risk of going bankrupt. A way the business can do this is by getting rid of some of their members of staff to cut the amount spend on…show more content…
But there are still a possibility that problems can rise which could have a massive effect on the business if they are left alone. But as said above as the budget can be monitored on a monthly basis it allows the business to change how the business performances to give them a chance to save the business before it goes bankrupt. But by setting a budget and monitoring the budget it gives the business an idea of what the expected to earn and buy each month at at the end of the year as a whole. Also as said above by monitoring the budget it gives the business an idea of where the business is in relation to the forecasted
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