P1: Explain The Different Types Of Psychodynamic Approach

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P1: Explain the principal psychological perspectives: Behaviourist approach: This approach looks for any type of behaviour by looking at the person’s learning. This explains personality behaviours like shyness, confidence, as well as brief behaviour for example: offering someone assistance with dressing up. Behaviourist approach concerns with all human behaviours as resulting from classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Pavlov and skinner are two theorists associated with behaviourist approach. Classical conditioning: this theory was established by a Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936). This theory is the process of reflex learning. Pavlov worked with dogs to investigate the condition and he attached monitors to the mouths and stomachs of dogs to measure the rate of salivation. Since food automatically caused salivation Pavlov called this an unconditional stimulus. After that Pavlov used bell as neutral stimulus and he starts ringing the bell at the same time…show more content…
The first level is physiological needs which includes water, food, house, sleep if a person have these then he can move on to the next level which is safety including all type of safety such as physical, economic and psychological security. After this is a stage to get love/belonging and to meet this we need relation with other people and agreement from them. Fourth level is need for esteem in which includes self-respect, competence and respect from other people. Then fifth one is self-actualisation which is when a person comes what one is talented of
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