Outline the Significance of Both, ‘Secure These Rights’ and ‘Brown V Board of Education (1954)’ and Explain Which, in Your Own View, Had the Greatest Impact on the Early Civil Rights Movement.

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Outline the significance of both, ‘secure these rights’ and ‘Brown V board of education (1954)’ and explain which, in your own view, had the greatest impact on the early civil rights movement. (10 marks) This essay will be written about how I view the impact of the ‘Brown V board of education’ and the ‘secure these rights’ events and how they made an impact on American inequality and why I view ‘secure these rights’ as the most impacting event. Firstly, I will look at ‘secure these rights’ this was a report made in 1946 to identify how African American rights were being violated, it was finished in 1947vand it showed how the violation of black rights were damaging the country as the other countries around the world would frown upon this and it made Americas law system look ineffective. So, it stated that the rights of blacks should not be discriminated against as it goes against the ideals of the codified American democracy. So it decided to identify the problems and sort them out some of the problems identified were that even though lynching was illegal in America at this time whites still did it to any blacks they saw fit. Plus the report finally stated that whites and blacks were definitely not equal showing how the ‘separate but equal act’ was all one big façade. Therefore, the American government took action to try and make the blacks equal, even though the current president, Truman, was known as a bit of a racist himself he still agreed that something needed to be done to help the African Americans. They decided to enforce reforms such as all lynching cases to be seen by state law enforcement officers to make sure all cases were given the correct punishment as they won’t be seen by all white local courts that would always let the whites get away with it, along with this reform they enforced federal anti-lynching laws to prosecute all who failed to

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