Gunnar Myrdal Case Analysis

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In the late 1930’s, Gunnar Myrdal was approached by Frederick Keppel, on behalf of the Carnegie Corporation, to analyze one of the most prominent problems in American history. Myrdal was to look at the discrepancy between the idealistic American Creed and the reality of what life was like for African Americans during that time period. This became known as the American Dilemma. Over the course of the next 20 years there were several court cases dealing with the issue of segregation within the educational system; the most prevalent case being Brown v Topeka Board of Education. This paper serves to connect those issues that Myrdal highlighted in “An American Dilemma” to those social issues that surfaced during Brown v Topeka Board of Education. The American Dilemma, as described by Gunnar Myrdal, was the moral lag between the American Creed of equality, liberty, and happiness, and the reality of African American lives (Myrdal). This moral dilemma is an internal conflict for each American. On one hand you have the moral view that every American deserves…show more content…
However, a study done by Dr. Kenneth Clark showed that children were detrimentally affected by segregation and racism. Black children showed signs of suffering from self-rejection and a lack of self-esteem (Davis and Clark). White children were also found to be affected by segregation; they developed an unrealistic view of what society was really like (Davis and Clark). Both black and white children were exposed to conflicting societal views. Morally, they were taught that all men were equal and deserved to be treated justly. However, the world around them was a place where people were treated differently based on the color of their
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