Inequities That Ease By Lawrence Bobo Analysis

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Has Affirmative Action Outlived Its Usefulness? Summary: The issue of equality is paramount in a country like America. The most commonly known phrase from the declaration of independence is “All men are created equal”. The text calls on French social philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville to conclude that equality of condition is an essential ingredient to American democracy. This “equality of condition” hasn’t always and in many ways still doesn’t exist for women, African-Americans, Native Americans, other racial minorities, and likewise for those in disadvantaged social classes. Most of the largest moments of social unrest in American history have spurred from demands for equality. The fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the…show more content…
Racial Ideology, American Politics, and the Peculiar Role of the Social Sciences”; where he explains his research on the intersection of poverty, crime and race. Bobo contends the United States is faced with a sophisticated, elusive and enduring race problem. His use of two separate focus groups one being all white and the other being all black uncovered evidence to support just how complex the race problem in America is. Bobo contends the just saying that the race problem still endures is not to say that it remains fundamentally the same and essentially the same. Bobo asks how we can have milestone decisions like Brown V. Board, pass a civil rights act, a voting act, fair housing acts, and numerous acts of enforcement and amendments, including the pursuit of affirmative action policies and still continue to face a significant racial divide in America. Bobo offers these thoughts on the subject. In America we are witnessing the crystallization of a new racial ideology Bobo refers to as laissez-faire racism. Furthermore race and racism remain powerful levers in American national politics. Additionally social science has played a peculiar role in the problem of race according to Bobo. Throughout his paper speaks to the social injustice and inequalities that still are very prevalent and insist that affirmative action is necessary to continue to attempt to level the playing field for racial…show more content…
I personally do not want to be where people don’t want me, which is easy for me to say since I have always found a place to fit in. If the only places I could find to fit in were crime infested impoverished areas I may feel like I demand that I am affording the needed opportunities to improve my situation. For my view on society as a whole, I think there is enough consciousness floating around with the internet and our access to information that old systems and regulations like affirmative action can be governed by the court of public opinion. Our current society, at least the angle I see it from on a daily basis is quick to point out injustice and demand retribution for it. If a company or institution is found to be racist or unfair in its practices there can quickly be a stand taken against it by many people and impact the situation. I see it happen quite regularly when it comes to unequal or unfair treatment in general. It seems that there is an awareness rising in our youth and next generation that the inequalities of the world need to be curbed. These inequalities are not as focused on race anymore and are completely socio economic issues not. While I am not naive enough to believe there is no longer a race problem in this country, I do think we can attack it on a fundamental level with education, tolerance, information, and the global solidarity a

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