Outline How You Monitored Cash Flow on a Daily Basis.

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1. Outline how you monitored cash flow on a daily basis. Cash flow is monitored on a daily basis by keeping the company cash flow statement up to date. A cash flow statement will show the movement of money in and out of the company over a specific period of time. A cash flow statement will show not only the cash that is left at the end of the day, but also the amount that entered and left the business. This allows the company to see whether the cash in the business is increasing or decreasing. It is important to know this before the cash in the business gets too low. The business might have many active jobs but lagging receivables can be a problem when it comes to covering unexpected expenses. A cash flow forecast is also prepared which gives an estimate of the amount of cash the company expects to flow in and out and also includes all the projected income and expenses. This will help in predicting any upcoming cash surpluses or shortages which can be used to help make the right decisions. It can help in planning new equipment purchases or identifying if the business needs to secure a small business loan. The cash flow forecast is also used to check if the company is meeting expectations. Comparing actual income and expenses with the forecasts can identify where the company is over or under performing. Reviewing the actual performance against the forecasts will alert the company to any variance which can then be

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