Outline Current Legislation, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures Within Own Uk Home Nation Affecting the Safeguarding of Children and Young People.

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The main current legislation guidelines policies and procedures within UK home nation for safeguarding children and young people. Children’s order 2005 • Simplify laws that protected children and young people in respective UK countries. • Seen as a serious shake up to children rights and protection • Made it clear to everyone that worked with children what their duties were • Shows them how to work together when there is allegations of child abuse Children’s act 2004 • In 2003 it was clear services for children still weren’t working or communicating together this was flagged up because of the tragic death of Victoria Climbie • The organisation need to support and protect vulnerable children in the society • The lambing report resulted in a green paper called every child matters. • The integration of children’s service and the introduction of children’s directors with responsibility for local authority education and children’s social services. • Arrangements for sharing information has been reviewed and changed Vetting and barring The scheme was introduced in 2009 to stop unsuitable people working with vulnerable children and adults this scheme does the following: • a person who is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults will be breaking the law if they work or volunteer, or try to work or volunteer with those group. There are many policies and procedures within the UK that outline the current legislation and guidelines to help with safeguarding children and young people. The Children Act 1989 The integral part of this act is to maintain the child is at the forefront of decisions; the best option in relation to the child’s welfare will be taken into account when deciding the best course of action for the child/young person’s upbringing – creating a partnership between parents and multi-agencies. Alongside this, the requirement

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