Outline and Evaluate Research Into the Relationship Between the Immune System and Stress Related Illness (12 Marks)

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Outline and Evaluate research into the relationship between the immune system and stress related illness (12 marks) Cohen aimed to study the relationship between stress and the immune system. To do this he took a sample of 394 18-54 year olds from. All pt.s were checked and had to be healthy before taking part in the study. They were medically investigated and had to fill out a questionnaire. The questionnaire was three measures of psychological stress. These were stressful life events, the negative or positive effect this had on their psychological state and how they were coping with current demands. Their stress levels were determined using a scale 3= low 12= high. The pt.s were then given nasal drops which had 1 of 5 respiratory viruses. Two days before seven days after receiving the nasal drops they were placed in Quarantine. They were monitored daily by a doctor, who used a check list with symptoms on it. The findings of this study were that 38% of the 394 pt.s had cold. The severity of the cold was measured on a scale from 0-4. Cohen found a positive correlation, as stress levels increased so did the likeliness of illness. However Evans et al (1994) says the effects of stress are not always negative and can even enhance the immune system. Evans looked at the effects of stress by studying the activity if one particular antibody- sIgA. He arranged for students to give talks to other students (mild acute stress). These students showed an increase in sIgA whereas during the examination period, which stretched over several weeks, the levels of sIgA decreased. He proposed that short-term acute stress may actually up regulation therefore increasing efficiency but chronic stress may cause down-regulation. Lazarus criticised both these studies as he says that it is difficult to establish a relationship between stress and illness. He suggests that health is
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