Oliver Twist Essay

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Oliver Twist Essay “Oliver Twist”, written by Charles Dickens, was an instant classic, winning the hearts of thousands with its heart wrenching story about a lost boy, trying to find his way back to life. The story’s beloved characters such as Oliver, not only do his actions portray his personalities, his actions seem to be destined, as if fate has a role in the story. As the story begins its life and reaches its death, Oliver tends to have a change in fate when he’s with Mr. Bumble, Fagin and Miss Maylie. Ever since Oliver entered the world, Mr. Bumble, the church house beadle has had an incredible influence in his life, bad or good, yet, there have been some instances where fate has taken over free will, positively impacting Oliver. For example, in chapter three, Oliver had been offered up to Mr. Gamfield, the local chimney sweep for a reward of 5 pounds. As they entered, they saw, “Two old gentlemen with powdered heads” (Dickens, Pg. 43). It was the critical moment of Oliver’s fate. If the inkstand had been where the old gentleman thought it was, he would have dipped his pen into it, and signed the document but as it chanced to be immediately under his nose. As he searched all over his desk for it, he caught a glimpse of Oliver’s face, which was pale and terrified. When the old man asks him, “You look pale and alarmed. What is the matter?” (Dickens, Pg. 45), Oliver drops to his knees, and clasping his hands together, prayed that they would order him back to the dark room, starve him, beat him, kill him if they pleased rather than sending him with Mr. Gamfield. Mr. Gamfield’s claim is cancelled immediately. If it was not for that stroke of luck, Oliver, would have been hurried off immediately to Mr. Gamfiled’s home, where he would be forced to preform constant manual labour, in order to receive basic necessities. Another example would be in chapter four, when
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