Of Mice And Men: Relationship Between George And Lennie

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------------------------------------------------- ‘Show how Steinbeck explores the complex relationship between George and Lennie in ‘Of Mice & Men’ with close reference to key scenes in the novel’ P.E.E. Make your point….explain what you mean….. quote. Make sure you say ‘Steinbeck presents them’, ‘Steinbeck describes them as’…. etc. Ask yourself each time you make a point: what does it say about their relationship? ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------- Context ------------------------------------------------- When the book was written and by whom. What is the background to the story? What had been…show more content…
Effective? Convey what? ------------------------------------------------- Animalist instincts of Lennie compared with the humanistic reason of George. MICE and MEN. Lennie is not a dynamic character; he is static from start to the end; George is a dynamic character who has a range of emotions and experiences from the start to the end of the book. Discuss the predatory nature of human existence. ------------------------------------------------- Point 6 ------------------------------------------------- Spoken communication. George speaks for Lennie; Lennie allows George to speak for him. An unwritten rule that in order to survive they work as a unit, they observe these rules. Lennie brings his strength to the unit; George brings his reason. George puts words in Lennie’s mouth to protect him; he also advises him not to speak to certain people and of certain things. ------------------------------------------------- George uses Lennie as a soundboard to articulate his thoughts. Lennie is very stilted in his spoken word: questions a lot. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Sentence lengths are different as is content.

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