Clinical Delgation Skills

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Clinical Delegation Skills Leticia Kozbial-Brown, RN February 17, 2014 HCS/350 Scenario 1 Aggressive communication is a method of expressing needs and desires that do not take in to account the welfare of others. Those who communicate in an aggressive manner are generally perceived as selfish and unwilling to compromise. An aggressive communication style is usually linked to a desire to hurt others or exact revenge, or may reflect poor emotional development. In the first scenario Rashad exhibited all three types of communication styles; he was first assertive, then passive, and finally passive-aggressive communicating styles, while Robin was being aggressive. Rashad started out as being assertive, during the meeting he stated what he thought part of his job duties entailed. Robin was aggressive. She told Rashad that his job was to just do what he was told to do, and to not think. When Rashad sat quietly through the remainder of the meeting, he was passive, but he was passively-aggressively thinking how to make Robin regret what she said. A passive-aggressive communicator believes that he is incapable of successfully expressing himself in an open and honest way, particularly if what he is thinking is negative. Therefore he must try to do it in a way that is subtle, indirect and manipulative. He might feel weak, powerless and inferior to the person he is communicating with and act on these emotions by trying to sabotage and disrupt a situation while attempting to appear cooperative and pleasant. The health care team consists of many individuals with varying levels of education and experience. Rashad was simply stating what he believed was part of his job duties. As an orderly he is responsible for helping his clients maintain their dignity. I think that part maintaining ones dignity would be to keep them clean and assist them with toileting. Robin
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