Readings of Outsider by Albert Camus

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Student’s Name: Jackson Clarke Student’s Name: Jackson Clarke Year / Subject: 11 English Literature Assessment Task: Task: Long Essay 2/2012 ------------------------------------------------- Long Essay – Albert Camus The Outsider Word Limit: 1500-2000 ------------------------------------------------- TASK: ------------------------------------------------- Respond to the following essay question: ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Discuss (a) the ways in which readers of Albert Camus’ The Outsider are positioned to accept a major ideological standpoint, and (b) the ways by which a reader adopting an alternative ideological position could arrive at an alternative reading of the text. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- You will need to: * ------------------------------------------------- Research the ideological positions readers are invited to accept, and the major aspects of human existence that these ideologies speak to. * ------------------------------------------------- Select one ideological standpoint and closely analyse the way the text positions the reader to accept this standpoint. * ------------------------------------------------- Ensure that you consider the conventions employed by Camus and their effects on readers. * ------------------------------------------------- Research an alternative ideology. * ------------------------------------------------- Construct a resistant reading of key aspects of the text, paying attention to how your chosen ideology affects the way a reader responds to the text. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- In considering major ideologies to which we are positioned to respond, you
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