Obstetrics Communication Essay

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Communication Exercise 1. On the second day of her baby’s life, Mother says, “She’s getting yellow. What’s wrong?” It is normal for a baby’s skin to have a yellow tint around the second to third day of life. It is called jaundice and it happens in about 60% of full term newborns (Murray, et al, p. 452). Jaundice means that there is an increased amount of bilirubin in the baby’s body. We will monitor the bilirubin level with a painless sensor that is placed on the skin. Your baby may have to be placed under bili-lights wearing just a diaper and an eye shield (Murray, et al, p. 807) 2. “He sleeps all the time. Doesn’t he ever stay awake?” In the first couple days of life babies will have two periods of reactivity, which is when they are awake and alert. In between those periods babies will be in a sleep period, which they will not be awakened easily nor will they be interested in feedings. The time in which these periods last are different for each baby. (Murray, et al, p. 493) 3. “Should I have my son circumcised?” Having your son circumcised is a personal choice, but I will tell you some of the risks and benefits associated to help you with your decision. Many people choose circumcision for cosmetic reasons. Urinary tract infections, cancer of the penis, some STDs (HIV), and inflammation of parts of the penis occur more often in uncircumcised males. If your son develops problems later on in life and requires a circumcision, it will involve hospitalization and anesthesia; whereas as a newborn the process is less invasive and they won’t remember it. An uncircumcised penis requires different hygiene techniques and there is an increased risk of infection with poor hygiene. Many believe that the prepuce protects the glans; therefore, it shouldn’t be removed. It is also believed that the glans is less sensitive in a circumcised penis, which
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