Observation Of Casino

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An Observation of Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel is located outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota in a town called Prior Lake. However, the spotlights shining into the air around Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel can be seen a long ways off. As I approached the complex, there were rows and rows of cars. During the three days that I spent at Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel, the parking lot never seemed to empty; as one car left another two were waiting to park. After I parked my car, my girlfriend and I walked into the complex to meet a friend from Minnesota. While walking through the parking lot, I see car after car; with each model different from the other. Some cars are brand new, some are slightly dilapidated; however they are all here for one thing...to win! As I get closer you can hear people going in and out of the huge white complex. In addition to this, the outline of the building is highlighted by a lot of lights and spotlights shining into the sky. As I get to the door, a valet greets me and says, “Hello, welcome to Mystic Lake and good luck” in a happy inflection. After being greeted, my girlfriend and I immediately went into the casino floor and began looking around. The first thing that hits me is the noise. Although for the most part it was pretty quiet, every once and a while the “silence” would be broken. First I would hear a slot machine spinning and when it stopped spinning, a light would begin flashing and a siren would blare. At times, this would be interrupted by falling coins and a person standing up and collecting them.\ However, many gamblers simply swipe a casino card holding their earnings or a ticket is expelled from the machine. These tickets are then taken to the cashing area, where tellers behind bars and glass hand out the person’s winning cash. In addition to this, a large group around a table

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