Objectivity and Participant Observation

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Amber Jeffcoat Sociology 9.02.12 Objectivity and Participant Observation When conducting research, objectivity is required. Objective research allows facts to speak for themselves. Personal neutrality allows one to remain open minded, and helps the researcher accept the results as they are and not how he or she may want them to be. When conducting research, as hard as it may be, the researcher has to refrain from letting personal beliefs get in the way of observing. When observing someone or another culture, one must remember that he or she is also influenced by their social background. (Ch.1, P.19) Remaining open minded about others lives and background will allow the researcher to be thorough and non-bias. Although most people feel that their way is the “right” way, researchers have to accept the outcomes of observations for what they are. Researchers cannot change how other’s view things, believe, or act. By carefully observing rules of scientific research, researchers can maximize objectivity. (Ch.1, P.18) Researchers have the advantage of allowing participants within their observations. When participant observation takes place, the observer must join the participating person(s) in their daily activities. Sometimes, one can be faced with the challenge of participating in activities that may go against their beliefs and may make them uncomfortable, but this type of observation allows researchers to see firsthand why a person may act the way they do. A person can gain a better understanding of other societies, religions, and behaviors of other people. By seeing things firsthand, this allows observers to remain open minded and refrain from thinking that their way is the only way to live. Participant observation has hard rules, but has flexibility that allows one to explore the unfamiliar and adapt to the unexpected.
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