Obama Care Benefits

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It can be petrifying for an individual or a large family to purchase an insurance plan that will not break the bank. There are many websites that offer insurance plans plus compares how much it will cost. However, it is important for the general population to be knowledge about every small detail regarding the Obamacare. For example, this year 3.1 million American’s of age 19 through 25 might be eligible to be added with their parents’ plans. Also, if an individual yearly earning is approximately $15,281 or a family of four with an annual income of 31,321.50 will be considered under the American’s who earn up to 133% of the federal poverty level. This is a great benefit, since it will help make Medicaid affordable for millions of low class…show more content…
The first advantage of this law is tens of millions families and individual who could not afford to have insurance will finally get access to an inexpensive quality health Medicare through a marketplace. According to the article “At Least 9.5 Million Uninsured Americans Have Gained Coverage Under Obamacare.” Written by Tara Culp-Ressler, “…about two million previously uninsured people have enrolled in private coverage on Obamacare’s new marketplaces; about 4.5 million previously uninsured people have gained public coverage through Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion; and about three million previously uninsured young people are now cover on their parents’ insurance plans…show more content…
Under the law no one can be denied these services or be charged more even as a woman. As well with the families and individual plans the small and large businesses will also assisted with Obamacare. A business is labeled small if there are less than 50 employees. As of now only small businesses are allowed to use the SHOP Marketplace. This will be changed by the year 2016, when large businesses with up to 100 employees will have opportunity to use the SHOPs. The pros of the Affordable Care Act, bring good news to the young adults of age 26 or under resided with their parents. They are fully covered under the parent health care plan without any extra cost. Once they pass the age 26 Obamacare will be open for them to find something affordable in Medicare. The program not only focuses on the newer generation, but also the seniors can look forward to keeping rates low and expanding free preventive
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